Remedial Building Consultants and Project Managers to the Strata Industry
Sutech offers a range of construction, maintenance and repair services to strata managed residential buildings. With a focussed approach to project management and consultancy, we pride ourselves on our impeccable client service and technical expertise.
Sutech was incorporated in 1980 as a waterproofing and building maintenance consultancy, specialising in the investigation and rectification of design and construction defects and the maintenance and protection against the ageing process in Strata buildings.
Sutech are specialists in Owners Corporation buildings and are familiar with the requirements of the Strata Titles Act and the complexities of multiple owner issues.
Our role is to assist the Strata Manager and Owners Corporation in making sound, cost effective decisions on the maintenance of their buildings and ensuring remedial work is to a high standard.
Located on Sydney’s Northern Beaches we service the Northern Beaches, Lower North Shore, North Sydney, Inner City, Inner West, Eastern Suburbs and some Southern Suburbs.
Identifying source and providing solutions to prevent future penetration.
Repairs and replacements.
Upgrades and refurbishing entry areas including design services, tiling, painting and carpeting.
Repairs and replacements.
Locating and remediating concrete spalling (cancer) and other defects.
Providing quality specifications and application.
Repairing deterioration, repainting, replacing arch-bars, cavity ties and flashings.
Repairs and replacements, including balustrades, waterproofing and tiling.
Sutech manages every aspect of its building projects to ensure compliance with contract documents, relevant Standards and Building Codes and specification compliance. It’s our job to solve problems for our strata clients and ensure work is of the highest standard and completed on time, within budget.
We utilise our 40 plus years’ experience providing remedial building solutions to strata managed buildings to address issues such as poor design, poor construction and ageing. We conduct thorough site inspections and provide comprehensive diagnostic reports which include a range of options for remediating identified building issues.
Sutech’s detailed documentation ensures all contractors price consistently, provision of a detailed scope of works which provides itemised list of works to be undertaken and inclusion of alternative costs to enable owner’s corporations to put together the final selection based on life expectancy versus cost/budget limitations.
Sutech prepares tender outcome reports for owner’s corporations which include cost comparison spreadsheets and itemised costs for all items. We assist Strata Committees in presenting maintenance and refurbishment proposals to owners at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings.
Once a contractor is selected by our client, Sutech prepares a detailed contract between parties to protect the Owner’s Corporation’s interests and ensure adequate insurance coverage to protect all parties.
Using Sinking Fund forecasts, Sutech can determine key priorities for strata managed blocks and formulate plans to address future building needs against forecasted budgets.
Past Projects
Client Testimonials
Steve Bowen and Sutech made the impossible possible!
Steve and his team were able to successfully execute the complex remedial work required at 2 Lindsay St. This included full window replacement, asbestos panelling replacement with Cemintel Cement sheeting, and concrete spalling repairs over 9 levels and 36 apartments. Sutech worked harmoniously with the Strata Committee and brought the project to fruition, on budget and on time.
The result is excellent and a true win for the building and its owners.
I myself couldn’t be more grateful for all the work put into it.
Craig Beaglehole
Strata Committee
Lindsay Street, Neutral Bay
A note to say thank you for your excellent work at Mallett Street.
I think we have been so lucky to find Sutech and work with you on resolving water issues here at the apartment block.
In both packages of work over the years you have carefully interrogated the issues and found us the right solution and contractor – and overseen works to deliver a quality result.
Thanks for listening, and always being so professional and friendly on every element of the project.
Strata Committee
Mallett Street, Camperdown
We have had the pleasure of knowing, and working closely with, Steve Bowen and his team at Sutech Ply Ltd on the $4M renovation of our 33 Unit building.
At the outset it is probably worth saying that our project was delivered on time and under budget!
Sutech were Instrumental in assisting the Committee to put together a successful tender process and present this to the Annual General Meeting which resulted in unanimous support for the project to proceed and for unit owners to contribute the project funds required within a very short time frame.
Whilst we are extremely happy with both the delivered project and the way it was delivered, there were a number of points during the project where, were It not for Steve and Sutech, we would have had considerable and serious difficulty resolving some issues with the Successful Contractor. Sutech resolved all of these potential difficulties to the point where both the Successful Contractor and the Committee were happy and satisfied. Sutech also provided great assistance to us on numerous issues during the project including identification of a Building Colour Selection Consultant.
We have found Steve and his team at Sutech to be a trusted and valued partner in our Building Renovation Project, with an ability to identify the salient issues, a capacity to ascertain the appropriate alternatives and solutions, and an ability borne of talent and determination to successfully implement those solutions in ways conducive to delivering our project on time and on budget. Steve and his team at Sutech are exceptionally competent, well connected, reliable, dedicated.
We would happily again work with Steve and his team at Sutech were such a need to arise In the future.
We wish Steve and his team at Sutech well in his future business endeavours and have pleasure in recommending him and his company.
I would be very happy to provide a verbal reference if required.
Yours faithfully,
Greg Hall
For & On behalf of the Committee
Wallis Parade, North Bondi
Leonie and I send our sincere thanks for the excellent work that you and your team undertook, firstly to accurately pin-point the source of troublesome leaks in our building, and for carrying out repairs that have effectively solved those problems!
The first leak occurred following the torrential rains Sydney experienced in April 2015. A second leak was encountered about a month later. From then on, water dripped into our apartment whenever we had moderate to heavy rain-showers. Months of frustration followed, as we dealt with several different plumbers and builders that had been appointed by our Strata Manager. All proved incapable of diagnosing the roots of the problems. We were very glad when a relative of one of the owners recommended a building remedial expert, Wayne Jenkins & Associates, as that company had been successful in another build in which he was involved. However, with their other commitments and the perceived size of the work, Wayne Jenkins recommended we contact your company, Sutech.
From the outset, we were immediately impressed with your persistence in locating the source of our leaks, and then devising an effective plan to correct faults that were made by the builders of our five-year old building and managing the overall project from the outset to its successful conclusion.
We were also grateful that you assembled a very capable team to undertake the hands-on remedial repairs. Here we acknowledge the excellent work carried out by Adam, Alex and Tom. I hope I have not left anyone out. They were very friendly, competent, trustworthy and sensitive to our needs, as well as those of the other owners.
And, Leonie and I, as well as the other owners, were absolutely thrilled when the work was completed and following several cyclonic-force storms, we found that not a single drop of water had entered our apartment!
We have recommended, and will continue to recommend your company to other owners in other strata buildings. Moreover, and on behalf of the Owners’ Corporation, I’d like to invite you to continue our relationship with Sutech into the future, commencing with the formulation of medium and long-term maintenance plans for our building.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Whichello
Beach Street, Coogee
Just a note to thank you both very much for your wonderful assistance with our project at "Sheldon". The efficiency of the project and your incredibly pleasant manner has certainly made our life just so much easier.
The only sadness I have is that we did not have you at the commencement of the project. Will certainly not hesitate to spread your names should I hear of anyone experiencing similar building issues.
Catherine, Ben Boyd Road, Neutral Bay
Ben Boyd Road, Neutral Bay
The task at MH Rd is all but completed, some turf, pressure clean etc.
Without the assistance and supervision of Sutech, we, as Owners would have endured a taxing time.
Gyl and I wish to sincerely thank you for continued administration of a task marred by other persons incompetence. We are very grateful for the input, without Sutech expertise, the task had the makings of a shambles.
Thank you, you have earned your fees.
Middle Head Road, Mosman
Many thanks for your assistance in diagnosing the water ingress at the industrial units at Paton Place, and subsequent report by Simon. Following a new roof cladding on the units above, and a drain being installed in the roof top car park, the recent rains have proven your recommendations to be entirely successful, with no ingress into my unit below.
Without your assistance the managing committee would still think all could be fixed with a tube of silicone, and the root cause of the issue would never have been sorted out.
David Harrold
Paton Place, Manly Vale
On behalf of the Owners Corporation for 6 Bligh Place, Randwick, the Executive Committee would like to express our thanks for the excellent project outcomes that both Sutech and CRB delivered for our building.
The projects works were both complex and of significant scale, and represented the largest ever capital investment by owners.
We have heard nothing but positive feedback from residents on the overall works (including several original detractors), which have transformed the building both structurally as well as aesthetically, leaving us positioned well into the future.
Thanks again for your support. We would be happy to recommend Sutech to other potential clients in the future.
EC, 6 Bligh Place, Randwick
Bligh Place, Randwick
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